Project team

Our current project team includes:

  • Professor Leanne Togher, The University of Sydney
  • Dr Rachael Rietdijk, The University of Sydney
  • Professor Emma Power, University of Technology Sydney
  • Dr Renee Lim, Changineers
  • Dr Melissa (Liss) Brunner, The University of Sydney
  • Dr Petra Avramović, The University of Sydney
  • Professor Steven Maguire, The University of Sydney
  • Dr Jarryd Daymond, The University of Sydney
  • Dr Sophie Brassel, The University of Sydney
  • Kylie (Ky) Southwell, The University of Sydney

We also wish to acknowledge previous members of the project team:

  • Nick Rushworth, Brain Injury Australia
  • Melissa Miao, University of Technology Sydney
  • Kayla Summers, Brain Injury Australia

The authors of the convers-ABI-lity program are Leanne Togher, Rachael Rietdijk, Emma Power, Melissa Brunner, Renee Lim, Petra Avramović, Melissa Miao, Jarryd Daymond and Steven Maguire.



The Social Brain Toolkit project was funded by icare NSW.

Petra Avramović was supported by an Australian Postgraduate Award (APA) and Australian Research Training Program (RTP) Scholarship. Melissa Miao was supported by an Australian National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Postgraduate (PhD) Scholarship Grant [GNT1191284] and Australian Research Training Program (RTP) Scholarship. Melissa also gratefully acknowledges the support of the University of Technology Sydney (UTS) Centre for Social Justice and Inclusion, the UTS Faculty of Health, and the UTS Centre for Carers Research through the New South Wales (NSW) Department of Communities and Justice.

The Social Brain Toolkit team would like to acknowledge the following individuals and organisations who supported the project:

  • People with brain injury, their family members, and rehabilitation clinicians who supported the development and piloting of the tools
  • Speech pathologists Sarah Cotter, Natalie James, Colleen Kerr and Dr Melanie Moses who supported the pilot of convers-ABI-lity
  • Project advisory committee: Jason Bransby-Bell (Northern Brain Injury Rehab Service), Emma Calvert (Illawarra Brain Injury Service), Sarah Cotter, Kevin Garrington (eHealth NSW), Jason Stavert, John Stavert
  • Royal Rehab for assistance with participant recruitment
  • Westmead Brain Injury Unit for assistance with participant recruitment
  • Jessica Miao for assistance with logo design

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