1.3 Advice on how and when to use these resources - ABI Communication Lab

1.3 Advice on how and when to use these resources

What to expect

This course will involve:

  • Discovering how communication can change after a brain injury
  • Watching videos of people with brain injury and their family members sharing their experiences
  • Learning about helpful approaches to interacting with a person with a brain injury
  • Reflecting on what you are learning by responding to questions

Find help if you need it

If you are a family member or friend of a person with a brain injury, you may want to discuss these resources with a health professional. Questions you might ask are:

  • Would you recommend these resources for me?
  • Which sections are relevant to my family member or friend?
  • How does this information apply to my situation?

Take your time

If someone you love has had a brain injury, you may be experiencing many different emotions like grief, sadness and uncertainty. The activities in this course could bring up some of these emotions for you.

Now might not be the right time for you to use these resources. There is no expiry date on your access to these resources – feel free to bookmark the homepage for a future time.

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